Thursday, March 26, 2009

Santa Fe?

Yes, I'm still here.

I've been asked a few times if I am in California yet, but no, I plan on being here till August. Maybe longer! Things tend to change day to day...even Tenaya is looking at moving to Santa Barbara to attend culinary school (which would be way cool!). I imagine a lot of you are feeling the crazy spin in the world right now. I've just decided to ride it out, day to day.

Work on the book is slow...I thought I'd thrive on the iscolation, but instead, I find myself feel cabin-feverish. So, lots of dog walks. Of course, today, we are watching for snow, so it's pretty cold outside (yet as I write this Buttercup is looking longingly out the window). I have also decided to go back to doing some temp work. I think getting out amongst the living will help inspire me more creatively as well as being able to have conversations with humans. Buttercup is a good listener, but not much on giving feedback other than the "my-human-is-crazy" look.

I'm getting used to the air mattress. My room is still pink. My aunts are crazy. My neighbors are chatty. The sky is up... It's pathetic, but that's all I have to say!

But I am Here and still alive and kicking...and maybe my next post will be more interesting!!

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