Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Town Personalities

Something about moving to different states opens your eyes to the personalities of different places. It seems that Santa Fe has more personalities than most of the places I have lived in.

There is the town of the locals...with their confidence that the police are owned and rarely care about careless drivers; knowing the hot spots and how to avoid the tourists; with people who grew up here and have a unique accent that isn't quite Mexican and isn't quite Gringo; a place that is safe and not safe, full of drugs, booze, drunk driving and still a lovely place to be and drivers that defy description (I've heard that Japanese drive worse, but I haven't experienced that yet).

Then there is the town of the bi-state crowd...either from Texas or New York. Both come here to escape snow or escape worse snow; love to return to town especially for Indian Market and the nationally famous opera; the Texans throw lavish parties thick with Texas drawls, strong drinks, lots of laughter and generous tips to the local waitstaff and whose over-the-top way of dressing makes them clearly stand out (they really do wear every piece of turquoise jewelry at once to go along with their cowboy boots and hat and "Southwestern" clothing). The New Yorkers are less obvious visually but still dress like New Yorkers, so they stand out a bit still. This is not to say these people are great folk - if they weren't, they would never fit in here.

There is also the town of the earth babies - all about organics, permaculture, hemp clothing, legalized pot, yoga, spiritual workshops and sacred Indian land and recycling. They are a peaceful lot but definitely a big part of this community.

And then there is the artistic crowd. Filling the galleries - and there are lots of them - with either their own art or their presence to buy art. Some are snobs trying to show their culture but most are genuine lovers of art. you could easily go into overdose with art here (and what a way to go!)and you can find people painting and sketching at any time.

There is also the Santa Fe of the outdoors genre. More hiking trails than you can count; great mountains to hike; good skiing, I hear; places to bike and, if nothing else, fabulous mountains and skies to just stare at in awe. The weather changes frequently and the most amazing cloud formations are available daily. And then there are the mountains that change personality as the shadows shift and the sunlight makes new areas glow in gold or turn a glorious pink-purple for just a few moments as the sun finishes for the day. Add to that the lush greens and brilliant colors of spring; the dry heat and afternoon thunderstorms (brilliant and literally, at times, earth-shaking) of summer; the deep gold and burgundy tones of autumn (not to mention the indescribable and mouth-watering smells of chilies roasting!!) and the crisp blue-white of the snow in winter...it is breath-taking. You can describe it all in incredible detail and it still can't do justice to the beauty of it all...

I have only touched the surface of this town's picturesque self. I am still getting to know it...and the more I do, the more I understand how so many people - like myself - come here for a visit and can't bring themselves to leave. it's not perfect - there is quite a bit of corruption in the government and amongst certain industries, etc. and there is a meth problem - but there seems to be a balance. That could all be accredited to choices, and that suites me fine.

It is a good place to get to know yourself, to retreat peacefully, to release your inner artist or healer or hiking nerd or novelist or...whatever part of you you want to embrace. This town welcomes all.

I look forward to finding out who I am here...and maybe I'll figure out what I want to be when I grow up. IF I grow up...

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