Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do You Know the Way to Santa Fe?

OK ~ we did know the way to Santa Fe, I just like the title!

Actually, the trip was pretty easy - Mom is great navigator and the weather was clear. And I really appreciated having someone else to help out with the driving so that the 8 hour days weren't all that bad. Still, I am not particularly keen on any long road trips for a while. After all I had gone through since January 19th, it felt like I had been driving for a solid week.

The funny bit was about our stops. The first morning I needed a pee break and we decided to stop at Denney's since we knew the bathrooms would be cleaner than a gas station's. As we entered, I said "I could really go for a cup of coffee". Mom countered with "I could go for a pastry!" and before we knew it, we were sitting down to pancakes and coffee. Now, considering that this was one of Dad's favorite places but one Mom resisted because, well, let's face it: Denney's is not known for health food, this was a big deal for us. So we knew Dad was having a good laugh at us. But what the heck? We are on the road and it worked out. And as my brother Rick has stated: "at least it is consistent". He didn't say consistently what, but we'll leave it at that.

Our plan had been to stop later in Flagstaff, AZ for a late lunch/early dinner and then just eat some cheese and crackers once we reached our hotel that evening. However, we managed to miss Flagstaff (in that we drove around rather than through it). So we drove on to a small town that we thought might work out. After all,it seemed sizable and they have a car dealership and auto parts store, etc. so we figured there had to be restaurants. But as we drove up and down the main drag, we couldn't find any! We stopped at the auto parts store for suggestions and the fellow there was embarrassed to tell us that the town was struggling and almost all but one restaurant had gone out of business. That restaurant was a deli and closed after lunch. The only option that he felt safe recommending was...


So guess where we ate?? We figured that it would be late by the time we got to Kingman, AZ and should eat now while we were already stopped. Mom rolled her eyes and I just laughed. I hate to admit it, if you are careful about what you chose, you can have a decent meal there. It was pretty funny.

We had a great hotel room that evening - very spacious, had been pre-heated for us and it included a full breakfast. So we collapsed that night with a bag of truffles (gotta try the Harry & David dark chocolate truffles! To die for!) and a small bottle of red wine. A nice way to recover from a day of driving...and I was VERY aware that it would be the last time I would sleep in a real bed for a very long time. (I am currently spending my nights on an air mattress. We'll see how long I last).

And can you believe it? The next time we stopped for lunch we cruised the town's main drag and ended up at Denney's again!!!! Seriously! We debated it for a while and finally agreed that there was something to say about consistency when you are in an unfamiliar town and want a decent meal and get on your way, so we gave in. I will say that we are both really, really over Denney's as a point of destination!

Happily, when we arrived at Mom's house that evening, her sister Fern had left a home made dinner for us on the front porch. It was a welcome break from you-know-who.

And I put down my car keys and didn't drive again for almost 2 weeks!!!!!

It's weird to me that I have only been here 2 1/2 weeks - it feels so much longer. perhaps that's from sleeping on an air mattress...or from just trying to figure out where all the streets go (Santa Fe is soooooo much bigger than Ashland, OR!!)...or from worrying about Tenaya...or worrying about Taz...or from wondering from time to time: what the hell did I just do?!...or, to quote a friend of mine who likes to say "C: All the above!". But things are beginning to settle in a bit now. I am not so afraid to find my way around town and I finally found a place to live and Taz was assisted as was Tenaya.

Taz had a chat with our good friend Nancy, an animal communicator, and he told her that he was PISSED that I didn't ask him if he wanted to make the trip all the way to Santa Fe or if he would be OK staying with Tenaya for a time, etc. He was a very grumpy boy and was leaving all kinds of...err, "gifts" for Tenaya around her apartment to show his displeasure. But having been heard out, he has settled down and is loving to Tenaya and playing with her kitten, Selene. And once he gets his own litter box back, he will probably behave a bit more. Seriously, he said he felt insulted to have to share a litter box. He's a ticked off cat, what would you expect?

As for a place to stay...at first, it looked like I had found a perfect place. All I wanted was a room with my own bathroom. Sure, I haven't had roommates in many, many....many years, but I felt I could do this. After all, my focus being here is working on my projects, not maintaining a home. The place I found was very close to Mom and I would be sharing the place with a young mom, her little girl, 3 cats, a rabbit and a Husky dog. they have a yard and Buttercup would be a happy camper. But 4 days ago, she called me saying that the landlord was raising the rent and she had to see what she could work out and she would let me know. 2 days later, I see she has posted her ad again and with a new rent and move in date. Hmmmm. She didn't return my call and I took this as a sign that something was off. At first I was confused, hurt and then angry (and a bit freaked out - Mom needs her space back and I want to get going on my projects). But then I backed off and decided that it was time to trust. No kidding! Yesterday, I happened to catch the property manager (of the complex Mom lives in) in the laundry room and she told me that an efficiency apartment had opened up and that I could have it. Apparently, they go fast so it was a miracle that I got it the way that I did. What is an "efficiency"? Well, it is smaller than a studio apartment. In fact, the only difference from an efficiency being nothing more than a large bedroom is that there is a tiny stove/oven, sink and tiny fridge in one corner. But you know what? I don't really need much more! I have a big window, the rent is cheap, I can walk to Mom's or Fern's apartments and I don't have to deal with a roommate. Problem solved. and I love that I have access to - and can start moving stuff into - the apartment now even though my lease doesn't start till March 1.

So, with that in mind, I am off to scrounge up bits of furniture and other items I will need for my efficient Efficiency.

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